Sunday, July 29, 2007

Evangelicals pray for Armageddon

Via Chadmac Speaks - Evangelicals pray for Armageddon

A truly disturbing video. I can only say it is because of Christians like John Hagee that I write this blog. They scare me.

I have a friend who will tell me not to judge Christians by these people. I don't buy it, they have money, influence, and a mission. While mainstream Christians sleep, nutball Christians plan the end of the world. I have no choice but to judge Christianity by their actions.

Max Blumenthal disserves a medal.


Anonymous said...

"I have no choice but to judge Christianity by their actions."

Meh. That's lazy, you're better than that. Why don't you judge nutballs as nutballs wherever you find them.

Regardless of the number of shrill, emotional, irrational atheists I have met and read, I still *choose* not to judge Atheism by their actions.

tina FCD said...

Well, I guess that's your perogative,rg. John Hagee has millions of followers and he is hoping for the end of the world so he can go be with jesus. Look him up sometime, strange character if you ask me. And I agree about the mainstream christians sleeping...Good post mojoey.

tina FCD said...

Okay, I wasn't going to watch the video only because I have seen so much of this nutball Hagee that it's hard for me to watch any more of him. But I'm glad I did because in this video it is not only him that believes this crap, so yes Mojoey, you have no choice. This rapture crap isn't even in the bible is it? Weird.

Mojoey said...

I don't think it is lazy at RG. Hagee represents a large evangelical movement. He has one of the largest mega churches in the country. He has money, power, access to important political figures. He represent at least one significant facet of contemporary Christianity. It is far to judge the whole by a significant slice.

On the other hand your comparison to a few Atheist nutballs, who do not have access, funding, power, or even an organized movement, does not compare to my argument.

I think you are wrong on this one.

Anonymous said...

I would be pretty Rapturous if there actually was a god who would just take these wastes of air away from from our planet.

Anonymous said...


"it is not only him that believes this crap, so yes Mojoey, you have no choice" Are you serious? THAT is your standard for a compelling conclusion?


"It is fair to judge the whole by a significant slice"

1) There is a substantial logical step between "it is fair" and "I have no choice". The first is a decision you are taking that you believe you can support given the evidence. The second indicates a logical conclusion to which you are inexorably drawn for which there is no countervailing evidence. I can buy the first, the second is hysterics.

2) And anyways, you're wrong, it ain't fair. Or is it fair to assume that since he is a prominent figure, speaks as a leading atheist, and has a large following, that I can now judge you by Dawkin's words and actions? Or would you prefer to be judged on your own? I would think that would be lazy of me. BUT, I could be wrong.

May you be touched by his noodly appendage.

Anonymous said...
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mothpete said...

"If you've seen Left Behind... it's scary"

"The one starring Kirk Cameron"

"I don't even remember"


I'm choosing to judge all of Christianity by Kirk Cameron and his sugar daddy Ray Comfort. Ball's in your court Kirk. lol

Rafael Espericueta said...

So a crazy faction of the American Taliban who actually desire and pray for the end of the world have taken power, with Putin's help. Trump surely doesn't believe any of it, narcissistic psychopath that he is, but he's proven a useful tool by those who do. Pence however does believe this kaka. Dangerous times.